Celler Batea (Terra Alta), with its Sense Negre and Primícia la Borruda have obtained two ‘golds’ in the Ecoví de La Rioja tasting competition which, in this 2023 edition, has broken the participation record with more than 300 references from more than one hundred wineries from 30 areas of Spain.
The prizes were awarded after a blind tasting held at the University of La Rioja with white, rosé and red, sparkling, sweet, generous and vermouth wines, all certified organic. This competition assesses the quality of sustainable wines from any region of the world and is organized by the Department of Agriculture of La Rioja in collaboration with the Regulatory Council for Ecological Agricultural Production of La Rioja (CPAER) and Permanent Culture.
Batea Sense, under the growing demand of consumers who are increasingly sensitive to healthy products, Celler Batea launches its first wines free of added sulphites on the market in 2019. Batea Sense negre 100% black Grenache and from organic grapes, which respond to the winery’s commitment to innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility. “Batea Sense” (black Grenache) naturally, has less than 10mg per liter of sulfites, is 100% organic, does not contain any chemical products, nor preservatives and has not been filtered either, offering a purity and expression of Grenache without precedent
Primícia la Borruda has been made from a selected grape of more than 25 years of hairy Grenache. The press must is drained without applying any kind of pressure. In cement tanks, low-temperature static stripping is done to remove the thicker sludge. The clean must is inoculated so that it ferments at a controlled temperature.
In this fifteenth edition of the ECOVINO awards, these two wines have taken home the only two golds from Terra Alta.
Congratulations to the whole team!
News of: Lidia Gabalda Ferre